For the last few months, SCFLTA has invited you to get to know your SCFLTA board. This month, SCFLTA would like to introduce you board members Julia Royall, and Clay Hendrix! 1. What is your name? Julia Royall 2. What level and language/s do/did you teach? French 1, French 2, French 3&4 Honors 3. What made you want to be a language teacher? I struggled in school until the day my French teacher told me that I was good at French. From that moment on, I developed confidence in French, but also became more confident in all of my classes. Thanks to her and other teachers who supported me, I recognized a need for all children to have teachers who find their strengths and advocate for them. I developed a great love for French and Francophone cultures, and knew that being a French teacher would be not only enjoyable, but a way to be an advocate and support for children. 4. What has been the most rewarding part of your job? The most rewarding part of my job as a French teacher is having the opportunity to see students recognize that they can learn another language and develop enthusiasm about communicating with people from other cultures. 5. What advice would you give to a new teacher? First and foremost, enjoy your students. Learn from them. Consider every class an opportunity to learn. You may struggle and there may be tough days, but it will get better. Join professional organizations, and seek ideas and assistance from veteran teachers. Your colleagues are your greatest resource as a new teacher. 6. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing world language teachers today? Today, we have students in our classroom who have had a wide range of personal and educational experiences over the past few years. What we have always done to reach our students may not work anymore. More than ever before, we are needing to differentiate instruction and adapt our lesson plans to meet the needs of our students. 7. How did you get involved with SCFLTA? I became involved in 2020 as a Regional Representative for the Lowcountry. 8. What role do you play in the organization? I currently serve as an Affiliate Representative for the AATF (American Association of Teachers of French). 9. What has SCFLTA meant to you over your career? SCFLTA has been a great help to me since I moved back to South Carolina in 2010. The conferences have provided meaningful professional development that has greatly helped my teaching practice. In addition, I have been able to meet colleagues across the state who are now friends, and also people with whom I an collaborate. 10. What do you see SCFLTA doing for the profession in the future? I think SCFLTA will continue to be a valuable resource for the World Language teachers of South Carolina. We have a talented group of members who are always willing to help other teachers in our state and beyond. 11. What is one non-teaching related fact about you? I have been a Big Sister in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program for the last 5 years, and my little sister recently graduated high school and is now in the military!
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