In the next series for the Crescent, we will be introducing and celebrating our SCFLTA leaders. Before we get to that, I want to ask you your thoughts!
What makes a good leader? How do you (or someone you know) "Lead With Languages"? Who are the leaders that inspire you? (Let's recognize those people!) While it is impossible to list all the qualities of a great leader, SCFLTA has encountered countless leaders who: 1. Go above and beyond to spark interest in world language learners inside and outside of the classroom. 2. Recognize leadership potential in others by encouraging them to share their expertise. 3. Present best practices and share resources with others. 4. Recognize those strong colleagues and put them up for awards and recognition. 5. Advocate at district, state and national levels. See how to advocate here 6. Inspire future educators through mentorship and guidance. One way ACTFL challenges individuals to Lead with Languages is by funding college scholarships for up to $6,000 for future world language educators. Click here to see the Lead with Languages Scholarship Whether it is presenting at the 2020 SCFTLA conference, writing letters to your legislature, mentoring fellow language teachers or inspiring world language learners, SCFLTA challenges you to Lead with Languages. And, when someone has been an awesome leader, recognize them so that we can give them a shout out! Comment Below! What do you want to see in your SCFLTA Leadership? Who are the leaders that inspire you? (Let's recognize those people in the comments!)
Elizabeth Carter
4/24/2019 11:31:32 am
Delandris Jones inspires me! I can say with 100% certainty that I would not be the educator that I am today without his leadership and support over the years! D is the quintessential leader.
Amanda Hajji
4/24/2019 11:42:23 am
SCFLTA LOVESSSS former Co-President Delandris! Thank you for recognizing his great leadership skills!
Jessica Finkbeiner
4/24/2019 01:25:56 pm
I think a teacher who "Leads with Languages" is someone who comes up with awesome new ideas for engaging, authentic, and real-world lessons and shares them with their colleagues/coworkers! Spread the lesson love :) You do great at that, Amanda!
9/5/2019 09:11:04 am
Introducing your SCFLTA leaders is a good idea. You know, they have been putting too much effort for the projects they do and they deserve to be acknowledged to for the works they create. I am sure that they are not just doing a good job, but they have been putting all that they have in leading. Once you are a leader, nine selfless takes as lot of toll on you. It is a responsibility that you must have once you chose the idea of leading people!
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